SecondaryIn Key Stage 4, students choose specialist subjects and are assessed through final IGCSE exams; the internationally recognised “International General Certificate of Secondary Education” (IGCSE), renowned for its rigour and excellence.

Assessment takes place at the end of the two years of upper secondary and can include written, oral, coursework and practical assessment. Grading is on an international eight-point scale (A*-G) with clear guidelines outlining the standard of achievement for each grade. In some countries, IGCSE qualifications are widely used as a preparation for A Level, International Baccalaureate and US Advanced Placement courses.
Some subjects offer a choice between core and extended curricula, making the Cambridge IGCSE suitable for students with a wide range of abilities. The examinations are held twice a year, in June and November, with results released in August and January.
Option Blocks
At MIS, the IGCSE Subject Options provide Upper Secondary students with an educational pathway that maximises their skills and potential, while reflecting the school’s core value of responsibility. It allows students to pursue academic success while preparing them for independence in adulthood.
Students study core subjects: Mathematics, English Language, ICT and Biology, alongside five additional subjects chosen from the options in the two-year IGCSE programme. The available option blocks may vary depending on teacher availability and the timetable. The program offers a wide range of IGCSE options, including French, Swahili, Business Studies, Additional Mathematics, Chemistry, History, Art, Physical Education (PE), Computer Science, Geography, Physics, and Economics. The English department may recommend some students to study English Literature, bringing their total to 10 IGCSE subjects.
IGCSE subject choices are made after reviewing Year 9 internal exam results and consulting with parents, students, and teachers, ensuring well-informed decisions that support each student’s future success. The curriculum is delivered using diverse activities, cooperative learning, and technology integration to meet students’ needs, preparing them to become productive and responsible members of local, national, and international communities.
Core vs Extended
At MIS, we recognise that students have different academic strengths. To accommodate this, some IGCSE subjects offer a choice between Core and Extended curriculum papers.
The Core curriculum is designed for the majority of students, offering a comprehensive overview of the subject. It is aimed at students who are expected to achieve grades C to G.
The Extended curriculum is tailored for more academically able students. It covers the subject in greater depth and is intended for those expected to achieve grades A* to E.
Find out more about IGCSE Core and IGCSE Extended.
School Uniforms
At Morogoro International School (MIS), students are expected to represent the school with pride and maintain a neat and presentable appearance both within and outside the school. Our uniforms reflect the values of respect and responsibility within our community and aligns with local cultural expectations. As a school in Tanzania, we recognize the importance of adhering to community standards both on and off campus. In Tanzania, it is generally expected that clothing covers from shoulders to knees as a minimum.
- Branded Polo Shirt: Blue (EY-Y11) Maroon (Y12-13)
- Shorts or Trousers: Khaki (fitted securely at the waist)
- Shoes: Plain Black or Brown leather school shoes
(or black trainers with black soles and no prominent logos) - Socks: Plain black or White, Crew or Mid-calf length
- Sweaters: Plain navy blue, V or round neck (no hoodies)
- Branded Polo Shirt: Blue (EY-Y11) Maroon (Y12-13)
- Skirt or Trousers: School Plaid Skirt or Pinafore (primary) or Khaki trousers
(skirts/pinafores must be knee-length or longer) - Shoes: Plain Black or Brown leather school shoes
(or black trainers with black soles and no prominent logos) - Socks: Plain black or White, Crew or Mid-calf length
- Sweaters: Plain navy blue, V or round neck (no hoodies)
Uniform shirts, skirts, pinafores and PE shirts can be purchased from the school receptionist, with samples and price lists available for viewing in the front office.
Day Schedule
Years 7–13
- We receive children from 7:30 am.
- Bell rings for Form Time with tutors at 7:45 am.
- Break time runs from 10:15-10:35am.
- Lunch break is from 12:55pm to 1:45pm (Mon – Thur)
- End of school: 2:45 pm.
- Afterschool clubs run from 3:00-4:00 pm (Mon – Thur)
Note: The Secondary school day finishes at 12:15 pm on Fridays.
We offer a variety of after-school activities that run from 3-4pm ranging from Art, Coding, Birding, and Drama to sports such as Swimming, Basketball, Cross Country, and Football. Activities are run or supervised by MIS teachers.
We encourage students to participate in these enrichment experiences; however, commitment is an integral part of the clubs, and parents must sign their child up for a specific club. If students commit themselves to an after-school club, they are expected to attend regularly and be on time with the required kit.
MIS Community
Feel the Heart of a Small Day & Boarding School
At MIS, we strive to create a social environment that enables each student to reach their full potential as well-educated, well-balanced members of society, ready to approach life with maturity. Our dedicated staff, guide every student in becoming the best version of themselves, while helping them navigate any challenges. As a small school, we take pride in knowing each child individually, allowing us to meet their unique needs and understand their personalities.
Secondary Staff
Primary Staff
Residential Boarders
Location: P.O. Box 1015
Morogoro, Tanzania
Phone: +255 715 794 864 (office hours)
Email: headteacher@mis.co.tz
School Hours: Mon-Thu: 7:40am - 2:45pm, Fri: - 12 pm