Model United Nations (MUN) is a simulation of the UN General Assembly and its other multilateral bodies where students perform an ambassador role while debating topics such as gender equality, climate action, global health, and more. The East Africa Model United Nations (EAMUN) was started in 1982. It is one of the only MUNs to hold its conference in official United Nations territory and allows students who attend to further immerse themselves into the world of the United Nations. Sadly due to COVID-19 restrictions, the EAMUN conference moved to host their conference virtually through Zoom.
In order to give students an in-person experience, MIS decided to host its first ever MUN conference here in Morogoro and the MIS MUN after-school club under the supervision and expert guidance of Dr. Samiramis Sakardei began preparations. Tasking themselves with the necessary responsibilities they took on the rigorous planning and organising of the recent 2022 MIS MUN Conference that took place from 11th – 13th of March at Highlands Camp here in Morogoro. The theme for this event was “Teen’s rights in a post Covid world” with a focus on mental health, education and cyberbullying.

The MIS MUN club organised everything from the invitations, venue and accommodation to social events and keynote speakers, resulting in an amazing weekend of debating, thinking, negotiating, socialising, and fun! The event included a diverse mix of students, from Haven of Peace Academy (HOPAC) and the Arthur Rimbaud (French) School coming in from Dar es Salaam. The delegates ranged from some who were entirely new to an MUN event to those who have years of experience under their belts. A truly international event in terms of representation of diverse races and cultures, but also languages! This did not stop them from displaying their knowledge and research, working together with patience and humility to solve real-world, ongoing problems, making new friends not only diplomatically between the countries they represented, but also at a personal level.

Students from all three schools were awarded participation awards by the MIS Headteacher, Dr. Sarkardei (organizer and supervisor of MIS MUN club), the President, Secretary-General, and Lead Chairs of each committee. Those who displayed stellar performances were awarded “Honourable” and “Outstanding” delegate awards, and a few exceptional students received the “Best Delegate” awards and got to take home a ceremonial gavel!

The closing ceremony ended with a special guest appearance from award-winning Musician, UNICEF Youth Advocate and influencer: teen Abby Chams (Abigail Chamungwana, pictured above) who gave an empowering and motivational speech and presented her awards to end the weekend and get all the students fired up to go out and be young Changemakers, inspiring young people to become leaders that transform communities.
A massive thank you to all those involved in organising this successful event!